Two more weeks until the Silk Road adventure begins!
There are 20 posts filed in Microblog (this is page 1 of 2).
A huge thank you to @flyairnz Andrea and Stuart for their help and for rebooking me. #AirNZ is one of the things I’ll miss most when we’re away from home for the next three years.
I wonder if there are any empirical papers estimating the productivity/welfare loss to society from people deciding to wait the extra ten seconds for their Secure ID / 2FA tokens to refresh.
@nytimes comes to the rescue with pop-anthropology reading recommendations. The Stuart Kirsch book is based on his PNG experiences and will be my first pick. But Romanian secret police files also sounds fab!
Just the kind of story I want to read during a bout of insomnia. Thanks @voxdotcom!
And I’m getting giddy thinking about @ShaniaTwain getting giddy about performing in #NZ
Hey @nztreasury, love the new website! But still a few teething problems. Many links lead to a 403 error on this page: