A huge thank you to @flyairnz Andrea and Stuart for their help and for rebooking me. #AirNZ is one of the things I’ll miss most when we’re away from home for the next three years.

I wonder if there are any empirical papers estimating the productivity/welfare loss to society from people deciding to wait the extra ten seconds for their Secure ID / 2FA tokens to refresh.

Just the kind of story I want to read during a bout of insomnia. Thanks @voxdotcom!

And I’m getting giddy thinking about @ShaniaTwain getting giddy about performing in #NZ Beating Heart on Twitter

I can confirm that the @metservice “feels like” measure is very, very accurate. #Brrrrr

Hey @nztreasury, love the new website! But still a few teething problems. Many links lead to a 403 error on this page: https://treasury.govt.nz/publications